Friday, November 23, 2007

"Baby, You're so hot BOOM!!!!!!"

Do you believe that people can be born innately evil or is evilness something that is learned? By evil, I mean any act that is mean-natured, cruel, and/or intentionally harmful either physically or mentally.

In America, people mostly learn the natural evil from Disney movies (they take over our lives!!) at least that's how i learned it. Its someone who is pure evil. The Villain who goes out of his/her way just to ruin other people's lives....or make theirs better (self preservation). For example, this book I'm reading right now, In the Time of the Butterflies(which is based on a true story) is generally about four girls/women tying to overthrow the Dominican govt. There is a dictator, Trujillo who is an perfect example of that I'd like to call selfish evil (is there a such thing?idk my bff, Jill).As I was reading the book, this post topic came in to mind and I knew El Jefe was perfect for this role. His dictatorship was defined by greed, a rigid control over the Dominican people, and unspeakable brutality. He had immense power. He could do whatever he wanted when ever he wanted only because people were afraid of him. He actually rose to power in the most devious, but cunning, ways. He murdered in order to receive a higher rank and last of all he created one of the most deadliest sins in his higher rank officer. To sum it all up, he raped dozens of girls and women which could be the most nefarious thing anyone can do(the book was labels as fiction so I looked this all up).So if you need an example, he one At least in my opinion.

So yes, I believe that people can be created evilly, and by that, I'll explain here....

1 comment:

*Mz.TrackStar* said... you really believe that people can be borned evil? interesting, I would have never thought that you thought like that...