Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fate or Free Will

Either we have absolute free will, or we have no free will at all, or we have a certain measure of free will. I believe I have the will to be free. I define fate no something that will happen, but has already happened. I don't define free will as doing everything that you want like flying, lifting a building or breathing in nothingness(space).I was watching the Matrix the other day, and when Neo(Keanu Reeves is mein mann!) was presented to the oracle, she describes his life not as something that will come to be, but is. Neo just has to figure out HOW this happens, HOW he will decide his fate(same as Oedipus). God ultimately decides our fate, our lives, but does it really matter(predestination). Do we really want to waste our lives pondering our existence? This pondering only creates more questions for us that can be never answered. Because... TRUTH IS RELATIVE!The HOW part is free will. Its not like I'm saying both but... how can you not?This kinda creates a little paradox in if our lives are predestined, then how do live them?But if you don't believe in that higher power than I guess you are basically stuck. I define free will as: free thought, control on weather I skip school or not go to school. But there are restrictions... Society...our parents! We were conditioned to think a certain way...wait.. that's conformity.In religion the free will seems to be very very confusing but whatever. I'm not saying... you can't be whatever you want to be... But lets take about free will on a grander scale: marriage, career choice, deaths. I really want to say both but she won't let me. Anyway, is there true love? Are you and that certain person meant to be together, forever? It is fate for you to be poor, rich(environment). The point is that you can not control fate, if it has to happen, it will happen.So what the point of questioning these things.For example: horoscopes are all about fate(L-O,L-O,L-O,L-O-V-E!) and some people think that fate is great because you get to fall in love on the first of November.I think that that believing in fate make is more interesting because a higher power has to be involved in this and that's just amazing!I, in particular, don't like thinking to deeply on life.......it depresses me.

1 comment:

*Mz.TrackStar* said...

a lot of things seem to depress you... we will work on that asap, k?